We do our very best but sometimes it’s just not good enough. We buckle our lapbelts, we wear a helmet, we stick to the lighted ones. We take all these safety precautions to save ourselves. We try so hard to protect ourselves but it doesn’t make a damn difference because when the bad things come, they come out of nowhere. Fate doesn’t care about our plans. Fate is a hunter. You’re falling and it throws you a rope but only to get you into the noose. I see no power greater than the power that lied within our fates. I’ve heard people saying ‘fate is a gift‘ but I haven’t seen gifts ruining people’s life. Gifts aren’t evil. Fate is a diplomacy. When it’s kind we claim ourselves ‘fortunate’ but that’s not true we were just favoured but when it’s a trump card or the turn of the tide we cry our eyes out as if life is all about pings and pangs. It leads us to nothing but agony. Fate fools you. It plays you and wins!

–Beautiful thoughts from a beautiful mind of Mahnoor Tabassum. Working with you has been a treat! ❤️

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